In The Heart Journey we work with monthly themes, and although it would make sense to set intentions at the start of the year in January, it didn’t feel aligned with what I actually want the theme intention to cultivate within my students.
A yoga practice, just like anything really, starts by building from the foundation. That’s why In January we explored the theme Grounding, followed by Balance in February.
We must create a solid, strong base for our practice and self-growth to flourish.
With the arrival of Spring, I thought it only fitting to explore the theme of intention. Springtime is when we sow our seeds, to reap the rewards later. But without fertile soil, a seed doesn’t have the right conditions to flourish.
One of my favorite quotes is by Cynthia Occelli
During my journey into healing, I’ve often found myself covered in darkness, feeling hopeless or destructive. Yet, just like the tiny seed, in order to grow I needed to be dropped in dirt, covered in darkness, and struggle to reach the light.
It’s often not until after the fact, that we realize how these moments of crisis created our biggest growth and revelations.
For March, I would like the theme Intention to be more than the new year’s resolutions we generally set in January. Over the past few years, the word Intention has become a bit loaded. Being bombarded by continuous ads to become the ‘’new, improved you’’ makes us believe that happiness is found outside of ourselves.
We create lists of endless goals and achievements, looking always ahead to the next best thing.
Look, I’ll admit, I’m guilty of this too. I believe there’s nothing wrong with wanting to improve yourself or your current situation, but not when it’s at the expense of appreciating who you are now.
Simply put, the difference between an intention and a goal, is that intentions are internal and goals are external. We set goals outside of ourselves to be reached. But with a conscious intent, we reach into ourselves.
This distinction is important in its cultivation. Learning how to set meaningful intentions can change the shape of our experiences. It empowers us to become more connected with ourselves, and potentially lead a more heart-full life.
This kind of connectedness with who you are and what matters most means you can meet any situation from a whole new state of being — waiting in line or being stuck in traffic doesn’t have to be a frustration. It can be an opportunity to express patience and mindfulness. A difficult conversation at work could be a chance for you to be kind but strong. A cup of tea at break time could be a time for gratitude.
Personally, I believe a good intention can only be set when we are conscious of our heart’s desire. Through the practices of yoga and meditation, we create a container of space for intention to arise.
We are ‘turning our attention’ towards the very desires our hearts are calling for. We ‘stretch out’ spreading open our minds, stretching toward possibility, making space in our hearts to receive.
When you do a yoga pose, you might notice sensations in the body, sometimes subtle, sometimes big, and we can’t help but draw our attention there. Similarly, when we set an intention, our mind’s eye can be drawn to notice it, drawing us into its cultivation, simply because we planted the seed there.
You plant seeds every single day, in the world and in others, with every thought you think and word you speak and action you take. You have influence. Now, imagine what kind of impact you could have if you chose to create from conscious intent?
So, my personal intention for you this month, is to support you in creating a space in the garden of your mind and plant the seed of your heart’s intention, learn how to cultivate, nurture and water this intent until it’s become a strong tree that can withstand any weather storm.
Struggling with ideas for your intention this month? Here’s a few suggestions that can help you get started:
I intend to love unconditionally.
I intend to stop taking things personally.
I intend to see the goodness around me.
I intend to be kind even when under pressure.
I intend to make someone smile every day.
I intend to freely forgive others and myself.
I intend to make mindfulness an important part of each day.
I intend to suspend judgment and accept life as it is in the moment.
If you’re interested in working on your intention this month, then I invite you to try out one of The Heart Journey classes, whether you are already a member or you are just seeking to start your journey of the heart.
You can join drop-in classes starting as low as 10€/class. Or save by becoming a member and pay €21/monthly to join 4 live classes.
There is a 7- day FREE trial here in which you get your first 3 classes for free.
You can find the weekly and monthly class schedules on the website here.
I look forward to seeing you in class!
Dutchie • Digital Nomad • Travel Junkie
Ocean Lover • Yoga Enthusiast