5 spiritual and self-help books that helped me through tough times
I have recently opened up on social media about struggling with mental issues for most of my life, especially mild depression, burn-out and anxiety.
This started when I was studying and struggled with extreme perfectionism and fear of failure, resulting in burn-out symptoms while completing my bachelor thesis. To this day I go through periods of this depending on experiences I go through, the arrival of winter and/or general fluctuations of my body/mind/hormones.
While regular doctors deemed me a perfectly healthy 23 year old at the time, nobody ever thought to question my mental health. I recently was shared the following anecdote about the comparison between physical and mental health, and how it actually makes no sense to treat mental health any differently than our physical health.
For example, we expect our body to have failures during our lifetime (illness, broken bones…etc.) and we actively try to prevent that by eating healthily, going to the gym, dentist, physio…etc.
But when it comes to our mind, which is also part of our body, why do we always expect that to work perfectly? And why do we think it is completely normal to go to the doctor when we have a broken bone but it’s still a taboo to reach out for help or speak up when it comes to mental health issues?
From personal experience I’ve experienced this taboo. Not just in how I expected others to react, but more worryingly my own internal response to reach out for help because ‘’I think it’s not too bad/ I shouldn’t complain/ this too shall pass’’ or ‘’I can do it myself’’- thoughts have been imprinted in my mind that it took only until recently to actively look for help.
For me, my mental struggles are what have brought me on my path to yoga & meditation, for which I am extremely grateful. Yoga and meditation have become tools for me to cope with my anxiety, to reflect on my monkey mind and question where certain thoughts and behaviors come from, and most importantly to stop and move from the mind into the body and present moment.
That’s also the reason why I want to share this path with others because it has impacted my life so profoundly. My yoga & meditation practices are therefore also very personal and when I teach, I give and speak from my personal experience and heart.
My own search for happiness has led me to try, experience and read many different things throughout the years.
There are many things you can do and try, but I would like to dedicate this blogpost to 5 books that have influenced my life significantly. And I hope that by reading them, they will for you too.
1. Breaking negative thinking patterns by Hannie van Genderen (also in Dutch ‘’patronen doorbreken’’).
Recently shared with me by my own doctor this book has given me some BIG insights into my own behavior. It’s an easy read with concrete examples which makes it very clear to understand how things that happened in the past effect your life in the present. Although I knew this was the case for me, reading and seeing it like this has given me the acknowledgement I needed.
2. Untamed by Glennon Doyle
A book I also recently shared in my monthly newsletter. A book that is beautifully written about breaking free from society’s expectations and learning to listen to your inner wild animal that wants to break free. I absolutely devoured this book and it gave me a lot of food for thought and interesting discussions with my best friend.
3. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
One of the most well-known spiritual self help books ever written. If you haven’t read it yet, it’s a crime. But it’s also not an easy read. At least not at first. The book takes some dedication to go through but once it clicks in your mind, it’s like seeing something you can’t unsee anymore. This book taught me the essence of being in the present moment and it completely shifted my perspective. .
4. Conscious Loving by Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks
I’ve read this book at least 4 times and I keep coming back to it over and over again. Although this book is set to help people in relationships, it is not necessary to be in a relationship to gain massive insights from this book. This book has helped me to understand my unconscious patterns and how I accept love, communicate with other (partner, friends or people in general) and continuous to help me feel hope in life & love in times of despair.
5. Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life by Dr. Wayne Dyer
If I could appoint any spiritual teacher to be my Guru, it would be Dr. Wayne Dyer. His books, films and teachings have definitely changed my life and the way I see it. Starting with this book which immediately shares one of my favourite quotes ‘’change the way you look at things and the things you look at change’’. Such a simple statement but with a profound impact. I’ve read many of Dr. Wayne’s book and recommend any of them, but this is a good place to start.
There are so many other books I could recommend but for now, I hope these books not only inspire you, but change you the way they did for me.
Finally, if you’re going through a tough time remember: you are not alone and feel free to reach out to me.
PS. Do share your favourite books that have helped or inspired you in any way with me!
Dutchie • Digital Nomad • Travel Junkie
Ocean Lover • Yoga Enthusiast